Personal journal

2024-05-07 😊

I create this website in a rush in Apple Academy Campus in Batam, during break session.

2024-05-29 Reflection Session

What benefit come from understanding My Value

I'm not really sure actually, but I think when I know what my values are, I can really make that as an anchor in my life "consciously". Because before I relly deep down with this value things, I just do that unconsciously, I think it can help me to evaluate any aspect of my life based on that value.

What Benefit Come From Understanding My Passion

It make me easier to find my source of energy, and also I can navigate through my life journey with the passion that I have because I think it will be easier for me to achieve my goals if I do it happily, and willingly, and by enjoying it.

Great Question to Ask in Life
How Do You Discover and Explore Your Purpose in Life

Well I'm Javanese people, and in Javanese culture we have this life philosophy